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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Celebration of Life

This afternoon we all gathered at the family home of Alexis' friend, Johnathan, who is also the architect for the Empower African Children school. Last year, Johnathan's father passed away. His father was a man of great character and integrity who loved singing (and he was also a very well respected architect). So, Alexis and the children decided to honor the memory of Johnathan's father by praying and singing at his grave site (which is on the family property between their home and the country club which the family owns and manages). The children sang beautifully and were a source of great comfort and joy for Johnathan and his beautiful family. I hope you enjoy the video - it was a real honor for me to be present at this important and intimate occasion.

1 comment:

  1. That was beautiful, simply lovely.
    Any chance of skyping with St. Alcuin.
