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Sunday, March 21, 2010

Mass in Uganda

Peter & Agnes, loving siblings
This morning I attended Mass with my Empower African Children friends at the YES (Youth encounter the Savior) Center of the Nsambya Parish. It was a wonderful experience. I have always felt comforted when I attend Mass far away from home because the ritual is so familiar and universal. Of course, it is interesting to note the differences. Here , for example, everyone goes up to the alter for the offertory rather than a basket going around the congregation (it was fun to send the children up with the offerings). Also, everyone clapped (rather than bells) during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. My favorite part was the sign of peace when all of the children came by to hug me - the singing was also most enjoyable. The only truly non-enjoyable moment was when we arrived and I stepped oh-so-glamorously into deep mud - lovely. Dear Agnes quickly assisted me and I learned that I need to step around the reddish mud (which is everywhere).

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