Cluster Map

Saturday, March 20, 2010

Shopping in Uganda

This morning I had the happy opportunity to do a little shopping while Alexis and Agnes had a meeting. I was accompanied by new friends, Rose (who works for Empower African Children) and Natal (who grew up with Agnes). Due to their extensive shopping expertise, this dynamic duo was dispatched to assist me in this critical task. And I don't know when I have been better assisted - hopefully my suitcase will not explode with my family's "African Christmas" and with the gorgeous, feminine African paintings soon to reside at our academy.

For those global shoppers out there (Angel C., this means you), you'll be interested to know that there is bargaining, just a bit, but it is very mellow compared to the bargaining in China. It is more like Brazil where people are happy for you to buy but they are not going to stress out too much about it. Prices were good but a bit higher than I expected. Still, I am delighted with the treasures acquired and I really enjoyed learning more about the local arts and crafts.
Note: There is a familiar American face in one of the photos above - did you see it? I asked Natal how Ugandans reacted to the election of Barack Obama and she told me that everyone went crazy with happiness and that "it was like a national holiday!"

1 comment:

  1. I spent several minutes looking for your face--then I realized you were talking about Obama.....
    Shopping sounds interesting--did you find another global nativity scene for Raquel?
