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Friday, March 19, 2010

Part 3: Evening at the US Ambassador Residence

Alexis, Cecilia, Ambassador Lanier and Agnes

Just when I thought my life couldn't get any cooler or more festive, Alexis announced that we were invited to the residence of the US Ambassador for a wine and cheese social this evening. Needless to say, it was thrilling. The residence is a beautiful, multi level home on one of the 7 hills of Kampala. It has a beautiful circular terrace area from where you can view Lake Victoria in the distance.

Most thrilling was meeting Ambassador Jerry Lanier and his wife Catherine - what a charming and global couple they are! They were casual, warm and welcoming , no doubt characteristic of Ambassador Lanier's upbringing in North Carolina. We had a delightful conversation about his career path as a diplomat and he and Catherine are both very interested in and supportive of Alexis' work at Empower African Children. Ambassador and Mrs. Lanier were so gracious - I extended a sincere invitation to them to visit UA Dallas and to talk to our students about their most interesting journeys to where they are today. They actually have some family ties to Ft. Worth so I hope we'll see them soon in Texas!

While enjoying the gorgeous view and delicious refreshments , we met members of the US Embassy staff as well a famous artist, David Mzuguno, who is a master of tingatinga art. He had his paintings on display at the residence and they were beautiful - full of life and passion for nature. David was accompanied by an art teacher from the local International School named Pascal who was very witty and teased me that he has been in Uganda for 5 years and was only just this week invited to the home of the ambassador and I arrived only yesterday and was invited. What can I say? I have a certain popularity (haha). Actually, as Pascal is Belgian, I complimented their chocolate, lace and fries and we went on laughing from there. Hopefully Pascal will email me soon about pairing up his art students with our art students at UA.

And speaking of things fabulous and Belgian, this near perfect day ended at my hotel restaurant with some late night crepes filled with vanilla ice cream and Belgian chocolate sauce - yumm!!

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