Cluster Map

Saturday, March 27, 2010

India in Uganda

One thing that I have learned about Uganda is that there is a close relationship with India. I had no idea!! There are a great many Indian people living in Uganda and they are known for their excellent business sense and for the trade opportunities which they have created with Uganda.

Many Indian families came to Uganda when both were part of the British empire. Sadly, their descendants (Asians and Europeans) were expelled from Uganda in the 70's under the horrific military dictatorship of Idi Amin. This action led to the complete breakdown of the Ugandan economy and the effects of Amin's regime continue to haunt Uganda today. In recent years, Indians were allowed to return to Uganda to claim their abandoned properties and businesses.

I was delighted to visit one of those businesses, the Khana Kazana restaurant - Fantastic !!! The Indian food there was as wonderful as the food in India and the atmosphere (even the smell of the incense) transported me back to my good times in India with my good friends, Matt and Shonal. You can find Indian food everywhere in Uganda and that has been a delicious surprise on this journey.

Another important connection to note is that of Gandhi with the African people. Gandhi felt a deep kinship with Africa and with the African people. His dream for Africa was the same as his dream for India - to be free and independent countries. His love for Africa was so great that, when Gandhi died, half of his ashes were spread at the source of the Nile in Jinja, Uganda.. I was lucky enough to visit the monument to Gandhi at the source of the Nile on Thursday (more on that adventure coming soon).

So, the love of Gandhi, the tea, the endless samosa snacks (available everywhere!), the drivers on the right - all reminders that the British Empire and India in particular have had a profound cultural influence on Uganda.

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